The Malibu Sentinel – Malibu is still reeling from the devastation recently caused by the superwoman known as "WildKat." Costs are estimated in the billions of dollars and the Governor has declared Malibu a disaster area. FEMA has arrived along with local heroes, The Buffies to help rebuild. Countless volunteers are also pouring in from across the world.
Sentinel reporter Belle was on the scene and seriously wounded during the attack. Reports confirm she fought alongside the Buffies to take down the monster. Rescue teams rushed her to Malibu General where she remains in critical condition.
The Malibu Sentinel – Reconstruction of the badly hit downtown area continues as the Sentinel's ace reporter Belle fights for her life. Friend and partner Cel has kept a vigilant watch and reports her condition remains grim. They ask in lieu of flowers and cards, people show their support by contributing to the Malibu Relief Fund. Here's where you can send your contributions...
The Malibu Sentinel – In a strange turn of events, Sentinel reporter Belle, who has been in critical condition for the past week, has mysteriously vanished from Malibu General Hospital. Doctor's had been working around the clock to stabilize her condition after her valiant battle with WildKat. She appeared to be making progress but took a turn for the worse around 3 a.m. yesterday morning.
Attendants rushed to her aid only to find an empty room. Belle has mysteriously vanished and partner Cel cannot be reached for questioning. One orderly reported seeing the Buffies in the vicinity but has since recanted the statement. When asked further, he responded with "I have no idea what a 'Buffie' is?" Hard to believe since the Buffies are worldwide phenomenons, but his answer appeared sincere.
We're currently awaiting word from The Buffies.
The Malibu Sentinel – Local Billionaire Joshua K. released a statement that reported Belle is safely in his custody undergoing alternative treatment. Malibu General's Chief of Medicine protested and has called for an inquiry into these so-called methods & treatments. Local authorities were called to the scene to investigate the well-being of Malibu's fallen hero.
They were met at Joshua's mansion estate by fellow reporter Cel, who assured them she was receiving the best possible care. He reported her condition as stable and has begun the healing process. Authorities pressed further, but backed down after the appearance and insistence of the Buffies.
We hope they know what they're doing and wish Belle a speedy and healthy recovery.
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